Hunan Xiang Yi Laboratory Instrument Development Co., Ltd.

How To Use And Maintain Laboratory Centrifuges Correctly

Centrifuges are very common separators in laboratories and are widely used in biomedical, petrochemical, agricultural, food hygiene and other fields. Since its introduction, the laboratory centrifuge has gone through a variation of low speed, adjusted, and ultra-speed, and its progress has been mainly complementary to each other in terms of both equipment and technology.

The use of laboratory centrifuges seems simple but not technical, but requires proper use and maintenance. Once out of order, the experiment will be delayed, but also more than worth it, the following two common types of laboratory centrifuge program and the use of matters needing attention.

1. In the pre-cooling state, the cover needs to be closed, remove the rotary head after centrifugation, put it upside down on the lab bench, dry the remaining water in the chamber, and the cover needs to be opened.

2. When pre-cooling, you can put the rotary head on the platform of the centrifuge or on the experimental bench. Never tighten the hair on the head. Because once it runs poorly, the head cover will fly away and cause an accident!

3. After the cover of the rotary head is tightened, you need to use your fingers to feel the place where there is a gap between the rotary head and the rotary head. Screw and screw again if there is a gap, until you confirm that there is no gap before starting the centrifuge.

4. During the centrifugation process, the operator can not leave, when an abnormal situation occurs, the operator can not disconnect, you need to press (power) STOP, pre-cooling before filling in the use of records.

5. Centrifuges with smooth surfaces cannot be used, and centrifuge tubes that are aged, deformed or cracked cannot be used.

6. The bottom of the centrifuge casing should be padded with cotton or test tube pad.

7. When there is noise or gas vibration, the power supply should be cut off and the problem should be solved immediately.

8. Brand centrifuge tubes should be placed symmetrically in the sleeve to prevent gas vibration. If there is only one sample tube, the other should be replaced by water of the same quality.

9. When starting the centrifuge, you need to cover the centrifuge lid to start it slowly.

10. After the separation is finished, turn off the centrifuge first, after the centrifuge stops rotating, only then can you open the centrifuge cover and take out the sample, do not use external force to force it to stop moving.

To summarize, centrifuge laboratory equipment is a multidisciplinary, multi-technology combined with high-tech products, manufacturers and products are many, so when choosing to investigate in various aspects.
