Hunan Xiang Yi Laboratory Instrument Development Co., Ltd.

The Oil Rock Core Centrifuge from Cence is a reliable and high-performance centrifuge for oil and gas well-core analysis. It uses a combination of advanced centrifugal technology and a high-capacity sample container to separate oil and gas core samples for analysis. It is designed for durability and accuracy, with an easy-to-operate interface and adjustable speed settings. The Oil Rock Core Centrifuge is capable of rapid and precise core analysis, providing reliable results quickly and efficiently. Its robust design and advanced features make it an ideal choice for geotechnical and petroleum engineering laboratories.

Different Oil Rcok Core Centrifuge Models


Advantages Of Using Oil Rock Core Centrifuge

An oil Rock Core Centrifuge is a device used to separate solid material from liquid material. It works by spinning the mixture at high speed, allowing the heavier particles to settle at the bottom and the lighter particles to float to the top. This makes it ideal for separating oil from rock core samples. Advantages of using this centrifuge include the ability to separate samples quickly and efficiently, and with minimal manual labour required. Additionally, the centrifuge is able to separate multiple components at once, allowing for more efficient sample analysis. Furthermore, it can be easily programmed to detect different components of a mixture. Finally, the centrifuge is cost-effective, making it a great choice for laboratories that have limited budgets.

Advantages Of Using Oil Rock Core Centrifuge

Working Principles Of Oil Rock Core Centrifuge

Working Principles Of Oil Rock Core Centrifuge

An oil rock core centrifuge is a type of centrifugal separation equipment used to separate different components with a different specific gravity in a liquid. It works by spinning the mixture at very high speeds inside the barrel, which causes the heavier particles to move to the outside of the barrel and the lighter particles to the inside. The centrifugal force created by the spinning separates the particles based on their specific gravity. The separated particles can then be easily removed from the barrel. This process significantly increases the efficiency of the oil recovery process and reduces the cost of oil production.

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